Of Bird and Cage Review – Catch and Release

I stumbled across Of Bird and Cage by chance, giving it more than a fleeting thought because I believed it was a BioShock Infinite reference at first. Although I had heard nothing about the game, this initial impression was enough for me to check out the trailer, which held my attention tightly as the premise unfolded. An experience that focused on the music, a dark story of serious themes, the threat of consequences all played out in an artistic production channeled through an interactive narrative. Of Bird and Cage should have been an excellent experience, but it instead reaches the level of concept album gone wrong quickly.

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of bird and cage review

About Stephen Wilds

Writing in the dirty South, this recovering internet addict wakes up every morning wrestling with nightmares of Silent Hill, Battletoads, and where to put that third comma. @StephenWilds
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