Wild Things Deserves Some Foreplay Even 25 Years Later

I once heard Wild Things described as a rite of passage for young horny men. I personally remember sneaking into the theater to see it, lying to the attendant, and quickly flashing my ID so he wouldn’t have time to notice I wasn’t old enough for admittance. I don’t think he really cared. We saw the movie, and for me at least, that initial statement rang true. I was surely titillated by what I saw, even changed perhaps, but I wasn’t a fan of the movie itself. It was dark and depressing with no one to truly root for, but 25 years later, I have a new appreciation for Wild Things and what it was trying to do for cinema.

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About Stephen Wilds

Writing in the dirty South, this recovering internet addict wakes up every morning wrestling with nightmares of Silent Hill, Battletoads, and where to put that third comma. @StephenWilds
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