Grand Theft Auto V: The hood really loves these tracks

Grand Theft Auto V has been among us for a decade. Here we have an incredible piece of media that works because it succeeds on many different levels, but a part that doesn’t always receive the proper amount of praise is its extensive licensed soundtrack. The game launched with an exceptional list of tracks and continued to add to that over the years, resulting in hundreds of excellent songs across multiple stations and several music genres.

Whether the songs were featured in the trailers, played during missions, or simply became a new earworm while cruising around the city, there are a number of tracks that have almost become synonymous with GTA and its experience. Whether the player is out for a casual drive, handling their businesses, or prepping for dangerous criminal activities, there’s a plethora of audial entertainment to choose from. But these tracks bring the vibes.

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About Stephen Wilds

Writing in the dirty South, this recovering internet addict wakes up every morning wrestling with nightmares of Silent Hill, Battletoads, and where to put that third comma. @StephenWilds
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